Human-Computer Interaction & Cognition: reading list

Week 1: Introduction & Big Picture

  1. Unger & Chandler Ch1 (8 pages): The Tao of UXD [summary]
  2. Morris & Maisto Understanding Psychology (pp. xix-xxii, 4 pages): Learning methods and "how to be an A student" [summary]
  3. Bettson, "Concept to Code : Code literacy in UX" [html]

Week 2: ID/UXD Intro

  1. Saffer Ch2 (16 pages): The 4 approaches to ID [summary]
  2. Unger & Chandler (pp 70-73, 4 pages): Understanding the current state & heuristic analysis. [summary]
  3. Sharp, Preece, Rogers (2007) Interaction design. Ch. 1 (pp 15-33, 18 pages, section 1.4-1.6): "What is interaction design"
  4. Saffer Ch1 (29 pages): What is interaction design [incl. What, Why, and History of ID]

Week 3: ID Lifecycle Models & Hypothesis Testing

  1. Soudack, "Don't Test Users, Test Hypotheses" [html]
  2. Unger & Chandler Ch2 (pp. 9-11, 21-25, 7 pages): The Project Ecosystem [summary]
  3. Unger & Chandler Ch4 (10 pages): Project Objectives and Approach [incl. SWOT analysis, lifecycle models, waterfall & agile approach] [summary]
  4. Smith-Atakan Ch4 (11 pages): The user-centered design process
  5. Norman Ch7 (13 pages): User-centered design [incl. design guidelines, 7 principles for ID; "design for error"]

Week 4: Needs & Requirements ("Define")

  1. Morris & Maisto Ch1 (pp. 26-35, 10 pages): The science of psychology, incl. research methods in psychology & research ethics. [summary]
  2. Unger & Chandler Ch6 (pp. 85-94, 10/26p): User Research [incl. user groups & research approaches] [summary]
  3. Saffer Ch4 (30 pages): Design Research
  4. Saffer Ch5 (pp. 106-111, 5pages): Personas [summary]
  5. Gomoll 1992 (3 pages): Some Techniques for Observing Users [useful checklist before running userstudy]
  6. Unger & Chandler Ch5 (15 pages): Business Requirements
  7. Unger & Chandler Ch6 (pp. 95 - ?): User Research for details on different apporaches
  8. Unger & Chandler Ch7 (11 pages): Personas [summary]
  9. IAT201 informed consent form

Week 5: Research Methods; (Re)Design

  1. Saffer Ch6: Ideation and Design Principles (14 pages) [summary]
  2. Saffer Ch7: Refinement (42 pages) [summary:
    1. The Law and Principles of Interaction Design
    2. Frameworks
    3. Documentation and Methods of Refinement
    4. Controls and Inputs]
  3. Unger & Chandler Ch9: Transition from Defining to Designing (21 pages) [incl. ideation, visualization, story boarding, balance between business/user/development advocates, prioritization

Week 6: Develop: Prototyping & Implementation

  1. Unger & Chandler Ch9: Transition from Defining to Designing (21 pages) [incl. ideation, visualization, story boarding, balance between business/user/development advocates, prioritization]
  2. Unger & Chandler Ch10: Task Flows (pp. 166, 178-184, 8 pages)
  3. Unger & Chandler Ch12: Prototyping (pp. 204-208, 217-219, 8 pages)
  4. Saffer Ch8: Prototyping, Testing, and Development (24 pages) [skip the coverage of heuristic evaluation]
  5. Unger & Chandler Ch11: Wireframes and Annotations (20 pages)

Week 7: Sensation, Perception & Recognition

  1. Ware Ch1 (23 pages): Visual Queries
  2. Morris & Maisto (pp. 10-11): Science of Psychology
  3. Morris & Maisto Ch3 (44 pages): Sensation and perception

Week 8: Visual Thinking

  1. Ware Ch2 (20 pages): What We can Easily See
  2. Ware Ch3 (22 pages): Structuring 2-dim space
  3. Ware Ch4 (22 pages): Color

Week 9: Designing For Human Capabilities; Start Evaluation

  1. Ware Ch5, Ch6, Ch7 conclusion sections (3 pages)
  2. Ware Ch8 (18 pages): Creative meta-seeing
  3. Ware Ch9 (18 pages): The dance of meaning
  4. Ware Ch6 (22 pages): Visual objects, words, and meaning

Week 10 and 11: Evaluation

  1. Evans & Rooney (2008), Ch1: Introduction to research in Psychology (section "Approaches to Research" on pp. 15-17, 3 pages)
  2. Soudack, "Don't Test Users, Test Hypotheses" [html]
  3. Unger & Chandler Ch13: Design testing with users (skip "concept exploration" section; 20 pages)
  4. Unger & Chandler Ch14: Transition: From Design to Development and Beyond (10 pages)
  5. Morris & Maisto Ch6 (2 pages): page 199 "Attention" incl. fig. 6-1 + page 207 "Improving your memory"
  6. Evans & Rooney (2008), Ch1: Introduction to research in Psychology (26 pages) [incl. scientific thinking/method, research approaches]
  7. Morris & Maisto Ch6 (pp. 196-210): Memory
  8. Kosslyn & Rosenberg: Fundamentals of Psychology Appendix A on Statistics


Note: the list is gonna increase as semester progresses. Visit the original SFU IAT201 course website