Be unique!

Are you an "orange" or "R"?


Looking through my notes, I found a price of paper with a huge black bold letter R printed on it and a memory of an inspirational lesson I've learned came to my mind. It happened a couple of years ago, when I was senior Bachelors student in Middle East Technical University in Turkey. I've been taking a Professional Development course and our prof asked us to bring one "orange" and one "R" for next class.

An "orange" is easy part - everybody was able to find it from any local grocery store, but an "R" is a different story... We've ended up having a couple of kilos of oranges and lots of different "R"s - written with every possible colour on any possible paper (actually even any possible material) with every possible writing/drawing tool, printed out, cut from different things, sewed, knitted, stitched, sticked..

different Rs

After mixing all of them together in one bag, our prof asked us to find items that we brought. I've found my "R" pretty quickly, but which of these oranges is my?! o.O

Now, the question is - are you an "orange" - same as everyone, not having anything that makes you stand out from the rest, or are you an "R" - which has unique features and easily recognizable? That's applies to everything - when you send your CV and cover letter for a job offer - make it stand out, make it unique, like your "R"... Good luck, R's!